I recently caved into the cult of the Kardashian's or Jenner's should I say, as I have bought a Kylie lip kit. I purchased the Dolce K matte colour, and so I thought why not share it with you.
My first impression is obviously the packaging in which it arrived in, its not the standard old box you receive any old package in. It is a nice slim black box with white 'lipstick' dripped round the edges.
On opening the box you receive a lovely little card from Kylie thanking you for purchasing a lipstick.
Then we get to the exciting bit, the lip kit itself, it comes in a little box that you can keep it all neat and together. There is two bits to the kit one is the lip liner and the other is the lipstick.
The lip liner is slightly lighter than the lipstick, but it does blend well regardless. It has a nice creamy texture and its easy to apply so you don't have to go over it like 100 times before you feel you have enough applied.
The lipstick is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G the colour is so rich and this may sound a little odd but it smells amazing, it smells of a mixture of cake, chocolate and coffee. I have found that the colour as well lasts for hours as long as you don't eat or drink?? anything oily it will last for a long time, however I have ate oily foods it does take it off quite easily, but that just how it is because at the end of the day there has to be a way of removing it.
The colour I got was a matte so when you first apply it, it has a glossy look to it but within maybe a minute it will be completely dry and you can carry on going about your day.

Basically that is like a little look at the lip kit by Kylie Jenner if you are thinking about getting one, I would recommend it they are really nice to wear and so easy to apply. I would say if you get one, just as an after care make sure you moisturise your lips, as you would with any matte, as they are quite drying and you don't want to end up with chapped lips.
and if you are wondering what it looked like on me, then here is a picture of me from the other evening enjoying a cocktail (that looks like emoji for cocktails!), with the lip kit on.
Until Next Time
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