Friday, 26 August 2016

DIY charcoal face masks!

If you love spa days, facials and all things pamper like then you will love this post!

I would say this is my go to beauty product, when my face needs a fresh start, when all the pollution and all the grime in the air has clogged my pores.
 So if you feel you need a fresh start with your skin listen up!!

Friday, 19 August 2016

What in my bag?!

Youtubers and bloggers have done this countless times and I have been blogging a little while now so I thought it was about time I showed you what's in my bag!
However it is what in my bag realness, so, I'll not just show you my beauty products, however, I am a women so they will be some!

So this is my bag I got it on eBay for like £30 it looks a bit like a CĂ©line at a fraction of the price.

So this is my purse I'm using at the moment I love it so much it's a genuine HarrisTweed and I just love the colour gradient of pink to dark blue.

So this is my diary from PaperChase, I take it with me everywhere, and have all my appointments and meeting in there because you never know when your phone will give up on you, and you can store additional notes in this too it just helps me feel more organised person.

This is my Victoria's secret spray, I have few so I can change it up every now and again with different scents, they are so handy just to throw in your bag.

Now no woman's handbag is complete without some hand stuff so I have Crabtree&Evelyn pomegranate ultra moisturising hand therapy cream it smellsss soooo good! Also I have Aveeno which is like oxygen to my skin as I can get quite bad eczema so it helps like a miracle and of course you need some hand sanitiser so I have this cute one from Primark!   

Hair grips if you have thick hair you know the feels especially when its humid I have like 9000 grips to stop hair from going to crazy!

I get random headaches so I have these always on hand they work pretty fast so I would recommend having these in your bag!

These are my glasses I try and wear them when I read and write so I always have them in bag because you never know when you will need them.

This is the part when it gets handbag realness yes I have almost finished tropicana in my bag. 

I have all my work also in my bag and a tone of pens because you can never have enough and my work iD.

BabyLips Dr Rescue it's amazing I've literally never had chapped lips since I've bought this, it is honestly the best £4 ish you can spend. I also have Extra gum bubble flavour because you always need keep your breath fresh.

Finally I have an umbrella from Next because I live in England and well it can rain any moment as the weather flips in a moments notice so you don't want to get caught in the rain.

That is everything I have in my bag let me know in the comments what is your handbag essential is?

Until Next Time


Friday, 12 August 2016

Summer clear out 
Usually people have a massive clear out in the spring hence the term 'spring clean' however I need more space in my room so I'm having a summer clear out and so I'm going to sell some of my stuff of my eBay - 
But unfortunately I can't get everything on there due to the amount of things you can sell, however I thought why not share everything on here with you lovely bunch and if you like any of the item and would like to buy it from me feel free to drop me an email click here and let me know what you want and we can sort that out for you!

All payments are via PayPal so it’s not dodgy.


UK Sizes left to right row by row
5/6 , 5 , 6 , 6 , 6 , 5 , 6 , 6

Friday, 5 August 2016


It has been that time of year when people flock to elsewhere to have a mid-year break from the reality of life!

I have been on my mid-year break to the Isle of Islay in Scotland on the west coast. 

So sit down get a cup of tea and enjoy some of my holiday snaps!