How is everything?!
As you may know I (try to) post everyday on my Instagram my OOTD as sort of a fashion challenge to myself for 2017, often people ask how I get the shot or how I take my blog post pictures, so I thought I would share a few of blogging tips.
Lighting & Background
For my outfit post I usually look for places where the background is interesting, which then in turn, catches people's eye when scrolling on Instagram, unless I'm at the radio all day then I will just take a selfie in the giant mirrors.
For the lighting I tend to try and take my picture mid-afternoon time when the lighting tend to be best, however, in the UK you just have to take it if you see some sunshine, because as you see often in my Instagram its cloudy a lot of the time.
Taking the shot
The more experienced bloggers may have the more expensive professional equipment, editing software and professional cameras, but if you are wanting to start up a blog you don't need to fork out loads for a 'decent' camera, believe it or not you can just use your iPhone.
I'm sure you are fully aware that iPhone 6 has a camera, and I'm no expert but to me the quality looks pretty good, and this is the camera I use to take my photos, however, what you may not know is that you can edit your photos on your phone without even downloading an app.

If you want enhance your pictures, a great way is to use the different tools shown above, you can make the room brighter remove shadows and even enhance the colours to make your picture POP!
Cameras & Equipment
When you get to the point, you want to start using more equipment, there are loads of options out there, occasionally I will loan my sisters camera and you can upload the photos and edit them in the same way.
I have recently come across new technology camera company, called Light who has a great camera which allows you to take DSLR quality photos with a camera the size of your hand so you don't have to carry a massive bulky camera with you.
If you want to get your hands on one click here to join the pre-order list for later this year.
Let me know some of your blogging tips in the comments below!
Until Next Time
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